Sunday, August 7, 2022

What Is Pi Value? What Is The Price of Pi? Is Pi Worth Anything? How Much Is One Pi Now? What Is a Consensus Price?

Everything you need to know is here in PI Network, don't fall for what's outside, don't believe what is posted on Facebook, YouTube, etc. Only the truth comes from the Pi Network official pages; nothing else matters but what you read here; everything else is pure predictions and speculations, don't follow scammers or negative posts, be wise and thoughtful. Only Pi Network tells you what you need to know.

What Is Pi Value? Is Pi Worth Anything? How much is one pi now?

It can be any value in this current Enclosed Mainnet. The final price depends on the current supply & demand before it is listed in the Open Market. But for now, better focus on KYC. I believe the longer you hold a coin, the higher the value. I saw senior pioneers lock up the Pi 100% for 3 years. However, we should involve selling and buying Goods & Services in the Pi Browser Shopping Mall like Pichainmall, Pibartermall, Pi81mall, Paixingmall etc. I think we should allocate a portion of our Pi, like 10%, for participation in the trading.

Therefore, the Pi value will be determined when the trading reaches maturity before the Open Mainnet.

You may know that Cryptocurrency prices change very quickly, sometimes every second. 

Time will tell, but not now. This is because we need many participants for trading goods and services at the price we both agree upon.

Attempting to sell Pi for any fiat now is a policy violation that results in your account being burned!  

What is the price of pi?

Patience is the key to success. Patience will see your beloved Pi listed in the Open Mainnet for the price that will make you happy for the remaining of your life. It is worth waiting for. Just believe and trust our Core Team because Pi's value is PRICELESS!

Is Pi Worth Anything?

People who passed KYC with pi in wallets now use P2P with others who passed. I’d say yes. No fiat value. Can use pi to buy/sell goods and services at this time.

What is the price of a ฯ€ network?

There is a basis involved in determining a coin or pi coin value. 

  1. M=0 Money Supply ( The circulating supply of cryptocurrency)
  2. Inflation- The more money is printed, the less each bill is worth. It reduces the purchasing power.
  3. The Community/Users - The collective belief of a reasonable size of people. Pi has over a 35million pioneers. 
  4. Supply/Demand - The more the demand, the less the supply. The lockup option has attested to that. 
  5. Usability/Utilities - what can you do with the cryptocurrency? The hackathon was introduced that allows developers to develop apps on the pi network. Eg. Pi chain mall, pi care, workforce pools etc. More apps will be developed and launched in the year's second quarter. So by June, July or August pi price will be known. 

These are things to consider before a coin's value is determined. So, therefore, until all these steps are carried out before the pi coin value can be known.  Just keep mining.  Any price you see is mere speculation.

I know. So people want Pi to start at a low price like BITCOIN? No 

I support 1Pi= $314,159

With this price, most people who are not wealthy will spend gradually, even their children will benefit, and rich people will not easily buy much or all.

"GCV 314k" is a great disservice to this community. That's the truth. You can't dialogue with the CT(Core Team). There is a group of influencers writing ghostly nonsense about pseudo-economy and a large group of servants applauding it. They could spend time building something tangible for the community but would rather be leaders of an "emotional" economic movement.

๐ŸŒŸConsensus๐ŸŒŸmust occur between seller and buyer, not between influencers convincing their followers to impose specific values. That's why I repeat many invent-fetched arguments to justify simple things that have been studied for years.

I agree about everyone's freedom. That's why I'm against influencers dictating values and inducing decisions. A consensus should be decided in public with everyone participating in the discussion, not by a small group of influencers who pour it out into the community. Freedom is uninhibited from induction. There needs to be transparency for there to be freedom.

Consensus value should be transparent if it is defined by a community or between buyer and seller to comfortable levels for both. And that this process should not occur as it is happening: being decided by a few influencers who invent arguments to convince their community to make an emotional decision.

I've been following some debates that sounded like "fun" and evolved into a "314k allegory". I saw your influencers talking about it, and I don't think there was any real sense in it.

When speculation runs away from reality, and this in the financial market is represented by the false expectation of liquidity, a factor that sustains the value of any asset within the market (and Pi will inevitably be within that market, so don't invent arguments as if Pi is not made for this market, because Core Team has already said that it will enter this market), so this false expectation of liquidity causes factors such as increased market indecision; insecurity; difficulties in implementing viable means of asset utility (unless we are talking about rare metals, which are stores of value); false volatility; low market adherence; among other factors. What can this cause? Indecision; fear; uncertainty; low adherence; etc. This makes the evolution of the asset's economic process unfeasible. Especially when we talk about cryptocurrencies, which involve complex ecosystems and a great need to develop these valuable means.

So, regardless of this supposed "correlation" of data that influencers bring up, creating non-existent possibilities saying that "Pi needs to be inflation-free" and trying to delineate false actions to avoid this, and things like that, none of this will avoid these logical factors that dominate the market logic to which Pi will be introduced. Pi will not be free from market uncertainty and speculation and needs liquidity to grow. And a "Pi 314k" makes it difficult for Pi to reach pleasant levels of trust and stability in the market.

So be very careful how much you allow yourself to be influenced. Mainly by "false teachers" who judge themselves as experts on the subject only by the number of followers they exhibit. Do you think intelligent people are no longer at the forefront of big projects to change the economy? But grandiose projects like Nicolas Pi are at risk in the face of misinformation generated by these false "teachers" on the subject. As I said: Freedom must be uninhibited from induction. You should not be tricked into choosing a consensus value and imposing it on a newborn ecosystem that needs support and stimulation. Speculation that feeds false liquidity is crucial for the project's initial development as it generates facts already mentioned here, such as market uncertainty, insecurity in the adhesion of the asset, and false volatility, among others. People who encourage this fraudulent behaviour of value and quickly adopt other people's beliefs don't allow discussions based on reason and reality.

During the Enclosed Mainnet, I advised Pioneers to buy goods and services from those verified Merchant by the Core Team and who will be Bartering their goods alongside the Chinese Consensus of 1.00000ฯ€ = $314,159(N193 Million Naira). This is because you will be able to spend less Pi to get more valuable goods, and it will also help achieve 1.00000ฯ€ = $314,159 during Open Mainnet.

Let's consider the example or scenario below as it is sure you will see this type of market bartering system during the Enclosed Mainnet:

Merchant A: Price of 1ฯ€ = $100

He sells iPhones at the rate of 12.00000ฯ€
He sells Lamborghini Car ๐Ÿš— at 97.00000ฯ€
He sells HP Pavilion G6 Laptop at 14.00000ฯ€

Merchant B: Price of 1ฯ€ = $1000

She sells iPhones at the rate of 9.00000ฯ€
She sells Lamborghini Car ๐Ÿš— at 34.00000ฯ€
She sells HP Pavilion G6 Laptop at 11.00000ฯ€

Merchant C: Price of 1ฯ€ = $314,159

He sells iPhones at the rate of 0.65345ฯ€
He sells Lamborghini Car ๐Ÿš— at 2.45628ฯ€
He sells HP Pavilion G6 Laptop at 0.78987ฯ€

From the Market Bartering System illustrated above comparing different Merchant rates and valuations of 1ฯ€, we are sure that a reasonable Pioneer who valued his or her Pi Currency will go for "Merchant C" because here he will spend less Pi Coins to get what he wants.

Let us note that the followings are prohibited during this Pi Network Enclosed Mainnet Period:
  • You are not allowed to, and you cannot sell your Pi Coins in exchange for Fiat (Paper Currency).
  • You cannot Exchange your Pi Coins for other Cryptocurrencies like us, Litecoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin etc. There are firewalls in place or surrounding the Pi Network Blockchain to prevent such attempts.
  • You are not allowed to sell your Pi Coins for a Pioneer with a Promise of future Payment in Fiat or Cryptocurrency. You may have your Pi Network Account Ban for 100 Years if caught or reported.
During the Enclosed Mainnet, you are only allowed to do the following transactions:
  • Exchange Pi Coins for goods and services in the Pi Utility Apps Platforms.
  • Peer -to-Peer or Pioneer to Pioneer in exchange for goods and services.
  • Apps to Pioneer in exchange of goods and services only.
  • Pioneer to App in exchange for goods and services only.
Please adhere to the above Mainnet Migration and Enclosed Mainnet Bartering Rules and regulations. You have come this far. You know how it is hard to earn Pi and how difficult it is to reach the Mainnet Stage you are now. Don't be so stupid as to destroy everything you have done. Remember the words of Late Lucky Dube:

"It takes a million people to build up a good reputation, but it takes one stupid fool to destroy everything they have done".

Be judicious. Spend your Pi wisely. Keep mining. Stay calm. Stay bless. Cultivate Patient. Soon, you'll smile & laugh! Thank you

Interesting Story

I was even removed from a WhatsApp group because I placed my item for sale at $1 per PI. They said I'm against the 314k per PI.


And they say that everyone is "free" to choose their own consensus. But if you choose a different consensus, you must be silent and "sit", as they say. You are "free" until you voice your opinion, and then there will be a wave of attacks against you and juggling of arguments they invented to justify this idiocy. When someone tells the truth, their eyes and ears bleed. This is tremendous brainwashing.

Sure. All they care for are "sweet lies"

They don't even use the concept of the word "consensus" correctly. True consensus is organic, born naturally and spontaneously. An induced consensus is not a de facto consensus but a "vote". And when you make a "vow", you are moved by belief. People are casting "votes" on this "belief" that is induced by a group of "influencers" experts on "Twitter". People who pretend to be "teachers" of a "new parallel universe" where all the problems that exist in the open market will be solved in this new world with the Pi Network. While Core Team tries to bring together the best programmers to build an actual project, a part of the community prefers to build a "belief" in Pi and believes that they will be the cogs of a "world reset" of the economy. In fact, this is the economy Pi itself will seek to be a part of and help solve system problems that some pioneers dream of "destroying", which they call "orthodox economics".

While I agree with you, I do not understand what you said. These people don't know that the consensus value will be determined not by all pioneers but by a select few representing the entire community.

As I read, a pioneer says, "True consensus must be uninhibited from induction". That phrase alone melts this whole "great consensus" circus. You have to be careful to understand this. Suppose a real consensus must be devoid of induction. In that case, it means that to be a consensus, it needs to be born naturally, in a way that benefits everyone involved during this process, from start to finish. If it is an "induced" decision, it is not a de facto consensus but a "vote based on belief in someone else's word".

I agree that gradual growth is necessary; however, what happens in a case where on Mainnet, it's a different price to what is used to buy goods and services? Will it later be merged? Will placed Jack up the price to be at the higher rate?

Cos also some exchanges will definitely be involved. So they will like to be careful, so the pi doesn't run them out of liquidity.

There is nothing like different prices. What we are seeing now is "initial ghagra" soon. The agreed consensus price will be known, and that's the price pi will be traded worldwide. Pi barter mall and pi chain mall will kick off with an agreed consensus price, and the world will adopt that price. So forget about all these rantings about prices from novices and armatures.

When it starts to be found, true consensus naturally benefits everyone involved. Advocates of the "great consensus" say that "sellers know the risk and are preparing for it" and that "big companies will help them achieve this global dream". They offer a risk none of them will take. I haven't found any that will invest millions of dollars in selling what they have at this absurd value. And they say they have the belief that the CT "probably already thought of all this and will solve these problems". As if CT were working with them for this "314k". And the arguments they invent to justify this? They might sell an air conditioner to an Eskimo. They make economic correlations that do not exist in practice.

We don't know the agreed consensus price, which must have been reached behind the scene.

They say that if the Pi is cheap, the pioneers will sell it, and all the Pi will be concentrated in the hands of the big investors. But shouldn't it be the other way around? It's sold when it's expensive. Buy it when it's cheap. If pioneers believe Pi is worth 314k, they should never sell it for less than that. But say the cheap Pi will be sold to the whales? Whales have the capital to buy regardless of the price. People who think the Pi is worth a lot shouldn't sell it. No one is responsible for the actions you take on your capital. If you sell cheap, it's because you wanted to sell. If you think Pi is worth a lot, you should hold on to it until it has a fair value. If you think Pi is too cheap, you can buy more. So there may be many early adopters holding Pi and many investors looking for Pi to buy, and this will undoubtedly make the Pi have the value it deserves. But if you sell before then, that's your problem, nobody else's. If you spend the Pi when it's worth 314k, that's your problem too. So, saying that Pi has to be expensive to benefit the poor is nonsense. Pi is a popular yet democratic ecosystem for everyone, not just the poor. And market whales are always on the lookout, regardless of value.

It's not that simple, and it's far from just that. The total supply; the amount of Pi circulating (excluding Lockup); the search for Pi as an investment opportunity; the search for Pi to exchange goods and services; the buy-in that Pi may have after announcing a release date, with new investments coming; the forms of payment that the ecosystem will offer... All these factors will have great weight when finding the relationship between supply and demand for Pi in the open market, influencing the price. The market is in charge of the marketplace, not the other way around.

In human history, the predecessors have been fooled. If you learn from the past, you will avoid detours. If you turn a blind eye and take decades going through it again, you will learn the same lessons from your predecessors. 

It must be missed by looking at the blockchain 2.0 Bitcoin with the Internet thinking 20 years ago. If you looked at today's Pi with the blockchain 2.0 Bitcoin thinking ten years ago, you would still miss it!! 

People can never make money outside of cognition unless they rely on luck, but the money earned through luck will often be lost until cognition is proportional to wealth, which is inevitable. Every penny you earn is the realization of your perception of the world. So your cognitive height determines how much wealth you can carry. 

If Bitcoin is a decade-old product of desktop PCs, then Pi is a new product of the current mobile terminal because technology will be updated and replaced every once in a while, and you cannot stay on the old thinking. If you still use the ten years' cognition to look at today's trends, you won't choose Pi !!

Just foolishly waiting for the second bitcoin. There are countless names for Bitcoin, but there is only one ending: Bitcoin has succeeded, and those who are not involved can only be bystanders. Why did my parents reject Bitcoin? That's because their cognition was stuck 20 years ago. It is an inevitable failure to look at the trend of ten years ago with the perception of 20 years ago. 

Pi cannot be viewed with traditional blockchain, Bitcoin, and hype concept thinking. The current mainstream currency has no application scenarios and can only hype the price on the exchange, and there is nowhere else to go. The total amount of Pi is not a constant number of coins but a constant number of people. This model has wholly defeated Bitcoin, and it is also an unprecedented design in the field of blockchain and is consistent with the concept of Satoshi Nakamoto. 

The value of Pi lies in users. The more users who participate, the larger the ecosystem industry chain will be, and the higher the price will be. If you simply think that things are rare and expensive, infer that the less the total amount, the more valuable they are.  You are just very wrong!!

Many people regard Pi as the same as other coins. This is wrong. The starting point is different. Other coins are sold first through ICO. There are no 33 million users behind them, no ecological applications, and no blockchain bottom layer with more than 10,000 nodes. The value of Pi cannot be measured by the amount of currency but by the number of users and the ecological applications based on blockchain 3.0 technology with over 10,000 nodes and thousands of transactions per second.

Believe in owning, daring to think and acting to achieve. This is the original intention and goal of this consensus trading platform. 

Hope everyone can maintain the value of PiCoin through consensus and give pioneers a fair and just platform to reflect the actual value of Picoin. 

Let us work together to accept the global consensus of $314,159.

Stop comparing the new era Picoin with other coin with ICO, those determined by demand and supply.

Dr Fan Chengdiao. Nicholas' wife once answered a question posed by and for ฯ€ friend on Discord. “Rome was not built in a day. Building a successful cryptocurrency involves not only the technical challenges but also the challenges of building a living economy and community on top of it. It comes from those who participate in the value exchange.

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